
Louisiana Man Cashes In Half A Million Pennies

One 73-year-old Louisiana man found a penny on the ground and decided to start a collection. Now, more than 40 years later, he's cashed in his massive collection of pennies and deposited thousands of dollars, according to NOLA.

In the 1970s, Otha Anders looked down and happened upon a penny. From then on, he decided to start a collection, which culminated in the amount he recently cashed in.

Using 15 five-gallon water jugs, Anders was able to haul 513,614 pennies to his bank - a financial gain of about $5,136, according to KFOR.

"I became convinced that spotting a lost or dropped penny was an additional God-given incentive reminding me to always be thankful," Anders said. "There have been days where I failed to pray and more often than not, a lost or dropped penny would show up to remind me."

Jennie Cole, vice president of the bank where Anders brought the pennies, said that the transaction was anything but ordinary, but at the same time more than welcome, according to USA Today.

"We value his business, as we do all of our customers," Cole said. "But if we can help Anders with his endeavors, we are happy to do so."

Anders said he used the money to help pay a recent dentist bill.

Louisiana, 5
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