Men And Dating: Three Reasons Behind Men's Insecurities

Even if your man usually keeps a straight, emotionally unbreakable facade, he can actually have just as much insecurity in a relationship as you - his partner. Men are (perhaps surprisingly) just as emotional as women, and in order to understand why they feel insecure, it is a good idea to delve into the male psyche, according to Badass Young Men.

Not knowing how to deal with the thought processes of men could prove fatal in a relationship. Here are a few things to keep in mind when dealing with the insecurities of your male partner.

1. He caught you talking to another guy and you acted really shady about it.

Your partner could very well be alright if you keep contact with your male friends. However, acting very suspicious, such as deleting your inbox and outbox, or generally freaking out when he asks about your recent meeting with your male friend will send your partner the wrong message. Simply put, it seems like you have something to hide.

2. He's never been to your apartment. Or met any of your friends.

Meeting your circle of friends and seeing your apartment is considered by men as a show of complete trust. If you refuse to show him anything that is connected to your life beyond him, your partner most likely will think that you don't "want to get too close." That could be interpreted as you not being serious in the relationship, reports MSN Lifestyle.

3. He thinks you treat him more like a friend than a lover.

Acting like a lover does not necessarily mean that you have to have your arms wrapped around each other the entire time you're together like two octopuses, but a few signs of affection mean a lot to a man. If you act like you can't stand to be touched by your partner, he will definitely feel that there is something off, or altogether wrong.

Just remember, in a relationship, frankness and transparency are invaluable.

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Men, Partner, Emotional, Relationship, Relationships, Psychological, Transparency, Dating