‘Star Wars Episode 7’ RUMORS: Yoda Appearing in ‘The Force Awakens?’

Warning: The following contains possible spoilers for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

Here's what we do know of the connection between "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and the Original Trilogy: Han Solo, Leia, Luke and Chewbacca, among other minor characters, will all be appearing. That is awesome in its own right as it will give fans both old and new a jolt of excitement to see these characters back in action once more.

But they aren't the only "Star Wars" icons who may be returning. It is at this point that I give readers yet another SPOILER ALERT while also highlighting the fact that the following information is just an unconfirmed rumor at this point.

"I know someone who works in the ****** media (dubbing) who assured me that there was indeed a scene with Yoda in The Force Awakens," Star Wars News Net reports.

Remember, this is just an unsubstantiated rumor right now, but including Yoda does make a certain amount of sense. Undoubtedly, any appearance from Yoda would be as a Force Ghost which is a popular theory of how to keep long dead characters alive.

Recently, Frank Oz returned to the "Star Wars" galaxy when he lent his voice to Yoda in season one of "Star Wars: Rebels." At the time, he said he would love to voice the character again in future "Star Wars" films.

Yoda could be used as a Force ghost communing with Luke all these years. It is rumored that Luke is in self-imposed exile and has become incredibly powerful since "Return of the Jedi." How else would that be possible without the help of the Grand Master Jedi himself?

We're not saying J.J. Abrams has to throw Yoda out in every scene. But as fan service that actually serves a logical purpose within the context of the plot, including Yoda is very possible.

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will (finally) hit theaters on December 18.

Star wars, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Episode VII, Mark hamill, Luke Skywalker, J.J. Abrams, Disney, LucasFilm