Parallel Universe Bright Spot: Cosmic Light Could Prove The Existence Of A Parallel Universe

After reviewing images of the cosmic microwave background, scientists believe they have finally found proof of parallel universes, according to the Daily Mail.

Scientists have long theorized that - besides our own universe - there are many parallel universes, and though it seems like science fiction, the notion of another universe has come one step closer to being truth.

Ranga-Ram Chary with the California Institute of Technology has been studying the phenomenon occurring in space and believes that the fabric of our universe is being interrupted by that of another, making spots where the microwave light is brighter than normal.

Pockets of energy can supposedly gather in different areas of a universe, causing it to expand, according to New Scientist. Universal bubbles can occur, causing one bubble to leak into another universe. If bubbles are formed near enough to each other, they could potentially touch, meaning they could leave an impact on one another.

The bubble that is impacting our universe is suspected of having different physics than our own.

The cosmic background imaging is suspected to show the residual affects of the big bang and the energy left behind by our universe's chaotic early beginnings.

Chary's findings were published online by Arxix and are available free of charge to the public.

Space travel, Scientists, Technology, Energy, Light, Big bang