Posting And Watching Videos Online Doubled In Last Four Years Though Only 12 Percent American Adults Admit Watching Porn Online

A new PEW survey revealed that posting and watching videos online doubled in the last four years. They also found that while the percentage of American adults watching pornography online increased in these four years, only 12 percent of the adult population admitted to it.

Streaming online videos has become a fast growing trend and the percentage of people either watching or posting videos only has doubled in a last four years, a new PEW survey revealed. According to the survey report, while people who watched videos online increased from 69 percent in 2009 to 78 percent in 2013, people who uploaded videos increased from 14 percent to 31 percent during the same period.

The report also stated that Americans who watched pornography online more than doubled since 2006, though only 12 percent of individuals admitted to doing so. This included 25 percent of the total American male population and only 8 percent of female population. This percentage is considerably low considering the actual amount of people who watch porn online. PEW said that the low percentage of porn video watchers in their report was probably because people are "reluctant to admit to indulging in such activities."

72 percent Internet users admitted to watching videos on sites like YouTube and Vimeo, with music videos being the most popular category. In 2007, only 22 percent US adults admitted to watching music videos online. This number grew to 37 percent in 2009 and now the percentage stands at over 50 percent. Educational videos including How-To videos continue to remain popular with 56 percent people admitting to watching such videos. Comedy and humor videos led the lot with over 58 percent of US Internet users watching them. Among 18-29 year-olds in the US, 81 percent watch music videos and 82 percent watch comedy videos online.

Miley Cyrus videos topped the list of videos watched, with more than 270.1 million views. Swedish gaming channel PewDiePie came in second with 215.6 million views, according to the latest monthly top 100 YouTube channels chart from Tubefilter.

Since mobiles have fast taken over desktops and computers, researchers also looked at the number of videos viewed through mobile phones. 41 percent of Americans use their phones to watch video, and 20 percent use them to post videos online.

Videos, Online, Doubles