NASA UFO: Bright Unidentified Light Spotted by International Space Station Cameras (VIDEO)

An alien enthusiast believes that a live stream from the International Space Station cut out after witnessing alien activity, according to the Express. Scott C. Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, was watching the ISS live feed and was shocked to see a white blur. He says the camera zoomed in on the unidentified object briefly before the stream was cut off as the camera was trying to focus on the bright light.

"I was watching the space station live cam when I noticed the camera switch to a new camera. Then the camera began to swing to the left until it focused on a white oval between it and Earth," Waring said. "The vibrant light from the UFO was so powerful that even NASA's new seven million dollar HD cameras could not focus on it."

NASA has not yet commented on the light, or what they believe it was, with both Waring and news outlets questioning the object's scientific importance.

Some even believe the agency is involved in a cover-up, masking the true details of the mysterious footage, according to the Sun.

Waring has gained notoriety for being among the first to spot unexplained phenomena on Mars, like the alleged little people living on the surface of the red planet, according to Mirror.

Nasa, UFO, UFO sighting, Space station, Cameras, ISS, International Space Station, Mars, Space, Conspiracy therory, Aliens, Alien life, Unidentified flying object, Weird news, Odd news