You had a bad day at work, go home and sit on the porch to relax a bit. Suddenly, your furry little pooch appears in front of you and tilts its head. You wonder if it's hungry or just trying to grab your attention, but you find it amusing anyway. However, it's actually much more than that.
Dogs tilt their heads to show they care, according to Mental Floss, since canines are exceptionally good at reading body language and vocal cues.
When you talk to your friend over a beer, your pal nods to empathize about your frustrations. Your pet tries to express the same emotion by tilting its head. Your dog totally gets you — and is there for you.
Additionally, dogs who tilt their heads frequently are especially sympathetic, reported Metro.
There's also another reason behind the tilting.
Dogs are good at catching sounds, but can't tell where it's coming from. So they often tilt their heads to "slightly adjust their outer ears, in order to pinpoint the exact location of a sound," said Metro.