T. Rex Could Open Its Jaws At A Horrifying 90-Degree Angle

The Tyrannosaurus Rex is known for being one of the most fearsome creatures to ever walk the Earth, and new research suggests the beast could open its jaws at a terrifying 90-degree angle. The findings could provide valuable insight into the eating habits of ancient dinosaurs.

Using digital models and a computer analysis, a team of researchers looked at the muscle strain during jaw opening of three different theropod dinosaurs with a variety of dietary habits, the University of Bristol reported.

"Theropod dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus rex or Allosaurus, are often depicted with widely-opened jaws, presumably to emphasise their carnivorous nature. Yet, up to now, no studies have actually focused on the relation between jaw musculature, feeding style and the maximal possible jaw gape," said Stephan Lautenschlager from Bristol's School of Earth Sciences.

The study included the carnivorous T. rex, the smaller but also carnivorous Allosaurus fragilis, and the plant-eating Erlikosaurus andrewsi.

Dinosaurs, University of Bristol