Adrian Peterson Son Dies Update: Vikings Running Back Explains How the Football Field Helps Him Release His Pain

Adrian Peterson returned to the football field just two days after learning his two-year-old son died from a brutal beating. Less than an hour before he suited up for the Oct. 13 game he sent a text to Fox Sports Laura Okmin explaining that he wanted to play because it would help him heal.

"My brother passed the night before the combine and I decided to go through with it. The same reason why I will play this week," he wrote. "You may ask why? God wants good to come from it.. We mourn and grieve but Heaven had the baddest welcome party for my son. That knowledge gives me peace. I'm still hurt and feel the pain of life, but I'm able to function because of the peace and joy of knowing my loved ones are in a much better place."

Peterson took the field with his Minnesota Vikings teammates to play against the Carolina Panthers. His young son passed away on Oct. 11 after being beaten reportedly by the mother's boyfriend, Joseph Robert Patterson.

Patterson, 27, was arrested on charges of aggravated assault on an infant and aggravated assault. His bond has been set at $750,000. Peterson is no stranger to tragedy and has always returned to the football field to help him heal.

When he seven-years-old he witnessed his brother die after getting hit by a drunk driver and the football field was the only place he could release his pain, Fox Sports reports. While training for the 2007 NFL Draft, Peterson's half-brother was shot and killed. Again the 28-year-old turned to the sport for healing.

Many fans and friends of the athlete tweeted their condolences to Peterson as he prepared for today's game.

"Why Adrian Peterson is playing today... So much respect," one Twitter user posted.

"@AdrianPeterson keep your head up brother, sorry for your lost," another wrote.

Peterson took to Twitter to thank everyone for their support writing: "Thank you to my family, my fans and fans of other teams for their support."