Hart of Dixie Season 3 Episode 2 Spoilers: 'Lemon-ade' Gets Put to the Test; Lavon is Out for Blood

If you’re having a hard time believing Lemon (Jamie King) and Wade (Wilson Bethel) are a couple, then you’re not the only one. There are a couple people in Bliuebell who feel the same way.

In last week’s episode Lemon and Wade, or “Lemon-ade” as they’re now being called, decided to create a fake relationship in order to fool Zoe (Rachel Bilson). The false romance was supposed to last until Zoe went back to New York. The only problem is Zoe never went back to the Big Apple and they’re now stuck in this very uncomfortable lie.

According to the Episode 2 (entitled “Friends in Low Place”) executive producer preview, Wade and Lemon are put in some very weird spots. They’re forced to kiss (which is brutal to watch) and Lemon has to explain her “relationship” to Cricket (Brandi Burkhardt).

Judging from the preview and this promo below, it seems some people are happy about “Lemon-ade” some are confused, and some are just flat out not buying—including Zoe’s new boyfriend Joel (Josh Cooke).

“They’re totally faking it,” he tells Zoe.

Just how long do Lemon and Wade plan to keep this ruse up?

In the EP preview, executive producer Leila Gerstein also discussed the one-night stand between George Tucker (Scott Porter) and Lavon’s (Cress Williams) little cousin Lynly (Antoinette Robertson). Needless to say Lavon is going to be out for blood. Poor George, he has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.

“Hart of Dixie” airs Mondays at 8/7c on The CW.

RELATED ARTICLE: Hart of Dixie Season 3 Spoilers: Wade Messes With Zoe's New Boyfriend; Will Wade/Lemon Become Real?

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