Literal interpretations are sometimes what the word style math question needs. When a 6-year-old little boy took a literal interpretation to his math problem, his mother posted the picture of his test showing his brilliant response to her Imgur and Reddit account, causing the story to go viral in a social media flurry this week, according to Fox News.
"This is why my kid is going places," says the proud Georgia mom, who goes by Irishchick14 on Imgur.
The picture posted shows the drawing, and he is quite adept at drawing for a 6-year-old, in addition to his wicked math skills, of a little boy pondering the math question, which, in his mind, must have been a simplistically idiotic thing to ask.
Check out the picture yourself, and you do the math, literally. Can you top his answers?
Smart kid annihilates CommonCore...
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 6, 2015
"His dad and I picked him up from school and saw this test and just died laughing," proud momma said, according to Buzz Feed. "He initially didn't know what was so funny because he just answered the question. We explained it to him and he said 'Oh! I see now why you laughed!' I told him yesterday over 3 million people saw his answer and he's over the moon with excitement."
"I told him over 3 million people had seen his picture and he said, 'Wow! That's like the whole state of Georgia!'" she said.
That was yesterday's figures, and now they are at 7,259,782 views, with equally impressive comments and over 15,000 points.
Don't worry, he did receive full credit for his beyond-his-years response, The Huffington Post noted. "He received an enthusiastic 100 percent complete with the word 'wow!'" his mom said. "His teacher is exceptional! She encourages creativity and thinking outside the box at every opportunity!"