Jeb Bush: 'Hell Yea' I Would Go Back In Time And Kill Baby Hitler (TWEETS)

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said on Monday that he would definitely go back in time and kill baby Adolf Hitler.

"Hell yea, I would!" the former Florida governor exclaimed in a new interview with The Huffington Post. "You gotta step up, man - that would be key"

The question was initially raised in a New York Times Magazine poll last month: "Dear Reader: Could You Kill a Baby Hitler?" the question asked, notes CNN. Most respondents, 42 percent, said they could indeed kill a baby Hitler, while 30 percent said they could not and 28 percent were unsure.

Bush was first asked the question via his address that he often gives out at public events. "I've gotta figure out which ones are not X-rated," the former Florida governor joked, according to The Blaze. "That's the only problem."

Bush declined to answer the inquiry until asked on camera by a Huffington Post interviewer while riding on his campaign bus through New Hampshire.

He acknowledged that there is no way to predict the ramifications of traveling back and changing history - or if killing baby Hitler would even prevent World War II and the slaughtering of millions of innocent people - but he would still do it.

"The problem with going back in history and doing that as we know ... from the series 'Back to the Future,' is it could have a dangerous effect on everything else," Bush said. "But I'd do it - I mean, Hitler."

Jeb Bush, Adolf Hitler, GOP, Republican, Republicans, Republican Party