Rumblr: New App Lets Strangers Meet Up To Fight?

Instead of dating and hookups, one app would capitalize on violence, allowing its users to talk trash and meet up for a brawl, according to the Daily Mail. Rumblr would essentially be like Tindr, but instead of browsing people to meet for coffee or a date, you would browse people to meet up with and fight.

Developers said the beta would be released on Monday and would essentially be the fight club of apps, according to the New York Daily News. Monday has come and gone. Turns out, the developers played a trick on us.

But they had everyone going for a while, like VentureBeat!

"Rumblr is an app for recreational fighters to find, meet and fight other brawl enthusiasts nearby" said the app's development team. "We have raised relatively substantial funding from private American investors and the app is fully developed."

Not only would people meet and fight, but others could join the app and find matches to watch, said the developers.

"We were actually rejected by Apple's App Store so we have decided to transition Rumblr into a public, globally accessible web application."

The developers went on to say that they were "100 percent serious" about the idea, but later came out and said that the app was a hoax, according to BleacherReport.

"This is our attempt to turn this entire story into something positive," they said. "...If you still are truly wishing to release some built-up angst, consider fighting more pressing issues such as gang violence, domestic abuse, and at-risk youth culture."

Tumblr, App, Fight, Dating, Hoax, Apple Store, Violence, Awareness