
Shock Therapy: China 'Cures' Homosexuality With Electroshock Therapy, Nausea-Causing Pills (VIDEO)

Fifteen years ago, China stopped considering homosexuality a mental illness, however, hospitals continue to use electroshock therapy in order to "cure" individuals of their sexual preference, according to Daily Mail. The treatment center at a psychiatric hospital in Tiajin, which is south of Beijing, was investigated by undercover activists who filmed their entire encounter. They have proof that the doctors have suggested that patients take drugs that will make them feel nauseous while they feel their "urges."

"When these urges arise, you can take a cold shower or go jogging to release the excess hormones," a psychiatrist at Tianjin Mental Health Hospital told campaigner John Shen, according to Mirror. "It's a small electric rod. When you have these urges, you shock yourself with the rod. Then you know you should avoid these urges."

A nameless gay man went in for treatment, and he was told that for $800 for each session, the hospital would "rebalance his nervous system."

"Your current conditioned reflex is when you see the same sex you feel love," a doctor explained to a gay patient. "Now what I want to make you feel is scared. Can you bear this kind of pain? How long can you bear it? If you can really bear with it then you can change," said the doctor.

However, not everyone has found the treatment helpful. "I think aversion therapy can hurt anyone, especially gay people," psychotherapist Johnny Li said.

"I went to programs, fasted, went without food. I went 21 days without food at one point. I was thinner but I certainly wasn't any less gay," said Simon Tinkler, according to News.com.

China, Homosexuality, Gay
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