
Twitter Allows Direct Messages From Any Follower

Twitter has started rolling out its upgraded Direct Message option, Tuesday. However, this upgrade is available to a select few accounts for the time being and will be offered to the rest a little later.

The upgraded feature will allow Direct Messages from others accounts irrespective of the fact that you are following these accounts or not, reports The Verge. The feature does not need users to follow back the senders.

Twitter had been working on the feature for long. Earlier this year, the networking site had rolled out an update for the iOS, Mac and Android based devices for the synchronization of Direct Messages on them. The micro blogging site will also deliver breaking news through these messages.

To receive the Direct Messages the user needs to check in the box under the account tab. The feature was first identified by a Twitter user, John Connolly stating," Generally you have to follow someone before they have the ability to direct message you. If you check this option any Twitter user that follows you will be able to send you a DM, regardless of whether you decide to follow them back."

The new feature sounds pretty simple but can lead to unnecessary complications of spam. The earlier version facilitated the users to receive messages from people they selected on their own rather than receiving unwanted adverts and phishing messages. The upgraded Direct Messages makes the inbox option highly accessible to others, exposing the users to greater risk. Twitter needs to go for two inboxes; one for the mutual followers and the other open to all, similar to what Facebook is doing, says a recent post in Tech 2.

Twitter, Allows, Direct, Messages, Spam
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