Waco Biker Indictments: Grand Jury Accuses 106 Of Engaging In 'Organized Criminal Activity'

A Texas grand jury has indicted 106 of the 177 people who were arrested for their connection to the deadly May shootout between bikers at a Waco restaurant parking lot that left nine people dead.

The McLennan County grand jury accused the defendants of "engaging in organized criminal activity with the underlying offense being aggravated assault and murder," said District Attorney Abel Renya, according to CNN.

The next grand jury session is scheduled for Nov.18, but Renya declined to say if the remaining cases against the other 71 bikers arrested on identical charges will be presented then.

"We are not done," Reyna said, according to NBC News. "We still have a lot of work to do. We will continue to do that. My office is dedicated, as is the team, to seeing that justice is done in all those cases."

Police recovered 480 weapons from the scene: 151 guns, along with assorted knives, brass knuckles, batons, hammers and padlocks wrapped in bandannas.

Beyond the fact that authorities claim the shootout between the Cossack and Bandido motorcycle clubs started when an uninvited biker gang showed up at the restaurant, where a coalition of motorcycle groups had reserved the outdoor bar area, few facts are known about the incident, according to the New York Daily News.

Police in June claimed three officers fired 12 shots, but didn't say whether the bullets hit anybody. Additionally, investigators are unsure whose bullets struck those who died or were hurt, and no one has been charged in any of the deaths. Despite this, 177 bikers are looking at aggravated murder charges for the deaths of only nine.

Many viewing the case believe it was police who caused the situation to escalate, and think there is a "serious lack of evidence" to indict 106 people.

"This is amazing and truly scary," one defense attorney said. "We do not understand what the district attorney's office is doing, but it's not about reality."

Texas, Shooting, Biker gang