Maria Kang Facebook Fitness Photo Controversy: 'Hot Mom' Of 3 Called 'Bully' For 'Fat-Shaming' Women? (PICS)

Maria Kang, fitness guru dubbed the "Hot Mom," has received backlash for her marketing strategy to inspire other women to lead healthier lifestyles.

On her fitness Facebook page, Kang shared an imaged of herself in a sports bra and workout shorts with her three young child with the caption: "What's Your Excuse?"

Since posting the photo, Kang said she have received numerous emails and comments claiming she was being a bully and "fat-shaming" other women. She took to her Facebook to write a "final apology" about the photo:

I'm sorry you took an image and resonated with it in such a negative way. I won't go into details that I struggled with my genetics, had an eating disorder, work full time owning two business', have no nanny, am not naturally skinny and do not work as a personal trainer. I won't even mention how I didn't give into cravings for ice cream, French fries or chocolate while pregnant or use my growing belly as an excuse to be inactive.

What I WILL say is this. What you interpret is not MY fault. It's Yours. The first step in owning your life, your body and your destiny is to OWN the thoughts that come out of your own head. I didn't create them. You created them. So if you want to continue 'hating' this image, get used to hating many other things for the rest of your life. You can either blame, complain or obtain a new level of thought by challenging the negative words that come out of your own brain.

With that said, obesity and those who struggle with health-related diseases is literally a 'bigger' issue than this photo. Maybe it's time we stop tip-toeing around people's feelings and get to the point. So What's Your Excuse?

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