'Pokemon' Update: 'Blue,' 'Red' And 'Yellow' Coming To Nintendo 3DS In 2016

Nintendo just announced that it is releasing all original "Pokemon" games into the the 3DS virtual gaming console. The "Pokemon Red," "Pokemon Blue" and "Pokemon Yellow" are heading to the platform's eShop On Feb. 27, 2016, a date that coincided with the launch of the original series in 1996, according to Latin Post.

The "Pokemon" games' 3DS release was confirmed during the Nintendo Direct, held last Thursday. The event is the company's latest after the death of Nintendo President Satoru Iwata, GameSpot noted. The announcement included five other titles including a "Pokemon Picross," a free-to-start game that will be available in before the holiday season.

The availability of the "Pokemon Red," "Blue" and "Yellow" is an important and sentimental milestone for the 3DS platform because it will finally allow players to play Pokemon battles wirelessly as opposed to the link cables required to battle in the original games in Game Boy. Friends will also now be able to trade monsters through its wireless feature, according to The Verge. The games will still have two-tone graphics as well as original sprites and sound effects.

3DS owners are also set to have an even merrier Christmas with the arrival of a new Splatoon update Saturday as well as the staging of a December event called the Nintendo Treehouse Splatoon Tournament, Express reported.

Pokemon, Nintendo