In place of Wednesday's new episode of South Park, Comedy Central played a rerun of one of the series most beloved episodes "Scott Tenorman Must Die," in its place. The reason for the lack of a new episode was simply that the new one wasn't finished. For the firs time in the show's history, creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker were not able to finish the new episode in time for their deadline.
The show is unique from most on television in that it is able to create a brand new episode from concept to air in only six days. This is how the show is able always stay so topical and fresh. However, due to a power outage at South Park Studios on Tuesday evening, the creators weren't able to use the computers to animate and put any of the finishing touches on the episode.
In its place, the network ran a rerun of "Scott Tenorman Must Die," and live Tweeted the episode for fans of the series. Although it wasn't as exciting as a brand new episode, the creators seem sanguine about the whole ordeal.
"It sucks to miss an air date but after all these years of tempting fate by delivering the show last minute, I guess it was bound to happen," said Parker.
The episode that was supposed to air "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers" will air next Wednesday. According to Splitsider, the episode will follow the Goth kids as they turn to their sworn enemies, the Vamp kids, after one of the Goths is sent away to a camp for troubled children and returns a little different.
The creators of the series have been working under the pressure of getting the episode into Comedy Central by the skin of their teeth. For years the writers, animators and actors have had to live in fear of this exact catastrophe but it appears that it's not as big of a blemish on the series history as many once thought - although it is unfortunate to have to wait another week for the new episode.