Finland Makes Scary Anti-Smoking Campaign, Shows Full-body Look of Smoking Effects

A scary anti-smoking campaign in Finland shows a full-body look of the effects of smoking and it is getting attention globally.

The anti-smoking campaign launched by the Cancer Society of Finland displays an interactive graphic of a “Tobacco Body” and then takes a full-body look on what smoking, especially long-term smoking, can do to each part of a smoker's body. It is literally from head to toe, including the internal organs.

In the site, viewers will see that many of the devastating effects of smoking are superficial. It also shows the differences in the outer appearance over time of a smoker versus a non-smoker. It has a separate presentation for males and females.

According to the notes in the site, smokers are highly at risk to have acne due to a poor blood circulation in the skin. They can also have a brittle and thinner hair compared to non-smokers.

It also noted side effects in unexpected areas, like the genitals. The site says, "Smoking weakens blood flow to the penis, which counts for smokers being twice as likely to have erectile problems."

Another sexually related problem noted according to the site is, "The sex life of smoking women is not as good as that of non-smokers. Their liver breaks down estrogen, the female hormone, with more efficiency, and that in turn lessen their interest in sex."

Women who smoke also tend "likely to have vaginal infections, yeast infection or the foul-smelling white discharge."

Smoking does not only give smokers a number of sexually related problems. It can also cause some reproductive problems especially if a smoker has decided to get pregnant or make a baby.

The anti-smoking campaign also say, that contrary to what most of the smokers believe, smoking does not help you lose weight.

The site says, "Research shows smokers weight more and are rounder in the abdominal area."

There are a lot of negative things about smoking, not just for the smokers, but for the people around them, too. The interactive graphic aims to make smokers think before lighting and puffing that deadly stick out.

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