
Jennifer Lawrence: 'Hunger Games' Poster Taken Down In Israel

Posters advertising "Hunger Games" star Jennifer Lawrence have been taken down in parts of Israel, reported Time. All over Israel, a poster featuring the film's star were hung prominently, but in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak the image of J-Law was either photoshopped out or the poster of the female heroine was taken down.

In select Israel cities the image of Katniss holding a bow and arrow has been photoshopped out leaving only the fiery crown background, reported Haaretz. The Israel PR firm admitted to altering the poster to appease the Orthodox Jewish audience in those two cities.

Additionally, if you look closely at the "Mocking Jay Part 2" poster that was released on Aug. 14, within the caption "100 Days Until" the "c-word" is spelled on Lawrence's face, according to Hollywood Life.

When the poster was released earlier this year because of the awkward layout, the designers missed the unfortunate placement of the zero, divided by the letter "u," turning the "0" into what appears to be a "c" directly beside the word "until," unintentionally spelling the c-word. A Lionsgate representative has yet to comment on the design, noted Hollywood Life.

Other news sources stated that the "MockingJay" posters were torn down because a woman was on them, reported Realty Today. "The Hunger Games" Israeli PR firm rep said, "We discovered that public posters with the image of a female are often torn down in Jerusalem, while Bnei Brak does not allow posters with female images."

A city regulation prevents the hanging of posters that contain images of women because that might anger city residents, officials in the city of Bnei Brak said in a statement. The company behind the posters, Nur Star Media, noted that was not the first time it had decided not to post posters featuring women in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak.

"The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2" will premiere Nov. 20.

Jennifer Lawrence, Hunger Games
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