Castle Season 6 Spoilers: Rick Sees Alexis' New Place; He Doesn't Like it

You know how Castle really doesn’t like Pi?

Well after he sees where Pi (Myko Olivier) has taken his daughter, the writer will be even less of a fan of Alexis’ (Molly Quinn) new boyfriend.

According to, Castle (Nathan Fillion) will head to Alexis and Pi’s new apartment during the show’s Oct. 28 episode. Judging from the photos posted on the website, and the faces Castle is making in those photos, he doesn't think his daughter has moved into the Ritz.

It’s possible that this may be the last straw for Castle. Pi’s past grievances include barging into his home, staying longer than expected and making papaya steak. If this is in fact the last thing Castle can take, he may let Alexis, or better yet Pi, know his true feeling.

My theory is if Castle succeeds in breaking up Alexis and Pi, it will lead to her sabotage mission for Castle’s and Beckett’s (Stana Katic) wedding.

Quinn recently told EOnline she doesn’t think Castle and Beckett will make it down the aisle anytime soon. She added that her character could be the reason it won’t happen.

If Alexis causes the long-awaited Caskett wedding to get put on the backburner or not happen at all, is it possible she may go from Castle’s beloved daughter to an annoyance? Would your opinion of Alexis change if she sabotages the wedding? Or do you think it’s Castle’s fault if he gets involved in Alexis’ love life? (Comment Below.)

“Castle” airs on Mondays at 10/9c on ABC.

RELATED ARTICLE: Castle Season 6 Spoilers: Stana Katic Talks Alexis' Plan to Break Up the Engagement; How is Kate Dealing With Being Jobless?

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