MacBook Air 2016 Rumor: Release No Longer Happening As Apple Ends The Line?

While rumors are rife about an impending MacBook Air 2016 release, there is an emerging information that claim Apple is going to phase out the product line entirely in favor of the iPad Pro.

"This wasn't the MacBook Air, but instead leaped past the Air," Jan Dawson from Jackdaw Research told Macworld. "They kept [the MacBook Air] around just as they do with older iPhones, but the MacBook is now in the same position as the newest iPhone. That makes me wonder if the Air will go away over time."

It is easy to dismiss Dawson's claim if he was the only one raising the issue. However, there are other sources that corroborate his theory. For instance, there is the position that MacBook is bound to become obsolete as Apple moves towards mobility and portability, Carolina Milanesi, chief of research and head of US Business for Kantar World Comtech, noted in a Yibada report.

The iPad Pro is expected to be the center of this new strategy. Experts point out that Apple cannot afford to branch out its products or to have numerous families of Macs.

Previous rumors claim that the MacBook Air 2016 will debut on Black Friday and is expected to become Apple's most powerful laptop. It will purportedly run on Intel's Skylake U-chipset as HNGN previously reported. But there are observers who doubt this information as the release would compete with massive Black Friday deals, overshadowing it in the process.

Macbook, Apple