Majority of Americans Want Boehner Out, New Lows For GOP

A recent poll demonstrates an increasing disapproval of the GOP and says most Americans want Speaker John Boehner to be replaced, CNN reported.

In the CNN/ORC International poll, 54 percent of participants said that Republicans controlling the House of Representatives is a negative thing -- up 11 percentage points since December 2012 -- while 38 percent currently say they approve of it. This is the first time where the American public has disapproved of the Republican-controlled House since they gained control in 2010.

Additionally, only 30 percent of those surveyed support Boehner's leadership. Around 63 percent of participants would like to see him removed from office, half of which associate with the Republican party.

The poll was conducted Friday through Sunday, just days after the government shutdown ended, which was largely blamed on House Republicans that wanted to defund the Affordable Care Act.

The low poll numbers continue to make many wonder how Republicans will perform in the elections in 2014 and 2016. However, CNN's John King said there is still a chance for recovery before that time comes.

"The midterm election is a year away. There's plenty of time for Republicans to work on the brand, but they've taken a bit of a beating here. They've got some work to do. They need a bit of a makeover," King said.

CNN Polling Director Keating Holland isn't so sure that Republicans will be able to recover as quickly.

"John Boehner fares just as badly as the GOP," Holland said. "Sixty-three percent of all Americans think that Boehner should be replaced as Speaker of the House, a view shared by roughly half of all Republicans."

Once the shutdown was lifted, Boehner applauded the GOP for fighting "the good fight" but "just didn't win."

Approval rates for Congress within the past few weeks have continued to break all-time low records. In the recent CNN/ORC poll, 12 percent said they approved of Congress, up two points than their historic low at 10 percent.

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