NOAA Climate Data: How Reliable Is It?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), one of the nation's most respected collectors of climate data, has come under fire for leaving out satellite data in their determinations and climate change research, according to the Washington Times. Although the organization refers to itself as an "environmental intelligence" authority and top official Kathryn Sullivan claims they provide "timely, reliably, and actionable information — based on sound science — every day to millions of Americans," the omission of satellite data is causing many to doubt these claims.

Many accused the NOAA of making adjustments to temperature records in a recent study in order to refute the pause in global warming that may have occurred for the past two decades, according to Government Executive. NOAA claimed the current results are based on new data and methodology, but with no atmospheric satellite data — considered the most objective data for environmental science — to back up these claims, many are concerned the NOAA is picking and choosing its data.

Additionally, Barack Obama's administration is currently fighting a top House Republican in his efforts to gain access to information regarding an NOAA scientist's global warming study, according to the Washington Post. Rumors are circulating that it was rushed into publication.

"I have not or will not allow anyone to manipulate the science or coerce the scientists who work for me," said Sullivan. "If the committee doubts the integrity of the study, it has the tools it needs to commission a competing scientific assessment."

Whether releasing information regarding the global warming study will put suspicions to rest or meddle in the affairs of sound science is unclear, but until then the importance of satellite data in global warming research should not be underestimated.

NOAA, Climate, Data, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Climate change, Global Warming, Global, Warming, Science, America, Temperature, Atmosphere, Obama Administration, President Barack Obama, Research