Justin Bieber Fanatic Spends HOW Much Money From His Life Savings on Plastic Surgery to Look Like His Idol? (PHOTOS)

Most people have experienced idolation of a musician or celebrity at one point in their lives, but a Los Angeles fan named Toby Sheldon has taken admiration to a whole new level, spending his life savings on plastic surgery to become Bieber's doppelganger.

The 33-year-old fanatic had several procedures done on his face to achieve a more "youthful" look, inlcuding botox injections, a chin reduction and eyelid surgery, the Daily Mail reports. He first began trying to achieve a younger look at age of 23 when he started treatment to prevent his hair from thinning, but it wasn't until he discovered Justin Bieber in 2008 that he finally found his muse in the flesh.

"Once Justin shot to fame his face was everywhere and I all I kept thinking when I saw his picture was, 'I want to look like him,'" Sheldon told the Daily Mail. "It took three transplants and a total of $21,000 to accurately lower my hair line, close off my temples and grow back my bangs."

Sheldon, who admits to having a phobia of aging, explained that Bieber's "charming baby face" was inspiration for him to spend around $100,000 on plastic surgery procedures.

"I didn't necessarily listen to his music or fawn over him as a celebrity, but his face was just so flawless every change I made was modeled after him," he said.

In 2012, he dropped $4,850 on his eyelid procedure, and most recently, underwent a a three-part smile surgery.

"It took going to eight different surgeons before anyone would agree to operate on me as everyone thought I was crazy to be obsessing over such a tiny detail," Sheldon said. "If you look closely, you'll notice that when younger people just barely have their mouths open they naturally show their top teeth, giving them a sort of natural and effortless smile."

The smile surgery, which cost Sheldon a whopping $30,000, involved a surgeon lifting his upper lip, turning out his bottom lip and turning up the corners of his mouth to give him a permanent grin.

Despite all of the surgery, Sheldon told the Daily Mail that he isn't finished and still has not achieved the look of his dreams.

"I know there is more work to be done in order to make a full transformation into Justin Bieber's doppelganger like a nose job and jaw reduction, which my surgeon has suggested," he said. Nonetheless, the 33-year-old was happy to be turned away from a liquor store after the staff refused to believe he was 33. Not to mention, he occasionally gets mistaken for his pop star idol.

"Between our similar hairstyles, baby faced smile and overall youthful appearance I finally look like Justin Bieber and I couldn't be happier about it."

Click here to see photos of Toby Sheldon before and after surgery.

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