India: Delhi Pride Parade Preaches Love And Acceptance

Nov. 29 was the last Sunday of November, which in Delhi means that it was the day to celebrate Pride. The crowd gathered for The Delhi Pride Parade to celebrate their sexual preferences, whatever they may be, and to demand that their rights be protected.

India has a history of conservative intolerance to LGBTQ people, and though the situation has improved in the past decade, especially in major cities, there is still much progress to be made, reported Yahoo! Being gay is still seen as shameful in many parts of the country reported The Huffington Post, but there do exist pockets of acceptance.

On Sunday, the streets were filled with members of the Delhi Pride Parade, adorned in rainbow colors, carrying signs that said "I'm gay, that's OK" and "If it works for Dumbledore, it works for me!," reported The Hindustan Times.

Equality, Pride, LGBT, LGBTQ, India, Delhi, Freedom