Arkansas Plane Crash Victims Identified: Ivan Williams and Wife Adina Beth Killed After Piper Saratoga Aircraft Plunged into Hillside

Arkansas law enforcement officials confirmed to the Associated Press that an Oklahoma couple was killed after their plane crashed on Monday.

The Madison County Sheriff's Office reported that 63-year-old Ivan Williams and his wife Adina Beth Williams, 52, died after their plane disappeared off the radar while flying over northwest Arkansas. Rescue crews combed the southern portion of the county for the Piper Saratoga plane all of Monday, then discovered the wreck Tuesday morning.

The sheriff's office told AP that the husband and wife were the only people on board.

Ivan had recently purchased the plane, and was flying back from a trip to Alabama with Adina, according to NBC affiliate KJRH.

As they were flying, the couple encountered cloudy, rainy skies and subsequently lost radio connection with the plane's operator on the ground. The aircraft plunged into a wooded Arkansas hillside at around 2:30 p.m., killing the two on-site.

Federal Aviation Administration officials told KJRH that the Ivan bought the plane about a month ago.

Ivan and Adina owned a successful construction company, known for building the BOK Center to the parking garage for the Cox Business Center to the Will Rogers Memorial Library in Claremore, according to KJRH. The two reportedly purchased the plane to celebrate 60 years of lucrative business for the Williams family.

Madison County authorities did not immediately announce the identities of the two deceased. For several hours, officials performed tests and inquiries, then released the names shortly thereafter.