Billionaire George Soros Donates $25,000 To Become Co-Chair Of Ready For Hillary SuperPAC

Billionaire George Soros pledged $25,000 to the "Ready for Hillary" SuperPAC in order to become co-chair of the group's National Finance Committee, POLITICO reported.

Michael Vachon, Soros' political director, confirmed the donation and excitement to express his support of Clinton.

"George Soros is delighted to join more than one million Americans in supporting Ready for Hillary," Vachon said. "His support for Ready for Hillary is an extension of his long held belief in the power of grassroots organizing."

The superPAC also announced the news on Thursday via Twitter.

"We are proud to welcome George Soros as one of the co-chairs of @ReadyForHillary's national finance council," the tweet read.

The council, which requires members to raise or donate $25,000, will meet in New York City on Nov. 12. Other council members include Houston trial lawyer Steve Mostyn and Susie Tompkins Buell, a significant Clinton supporter from her 2008 campaign and a co-founder of Esprit.

Clinton has yet to announce whether or not she will be running for president in 2016. However, Clinton supporters remain active as they determine how to merge the "Ready for Hillary" superPAC with other Democratic-based fundraising groups.

One of the Democratic groups, Priorities USA, received $1 million from Soros last year. Priorities was responsible for launching several attack advertisements against Republican candidate Mitt Romney, though Soros has said he is more interested in grassroots actions than ads.

Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management, was estimated to be worth $20 billion in 2012 and is a key supporter of liberal politics. In an interview with The Washington Post in 2003, he said getting then-President George W. Bush out of office was "the central focus of my life" and a "matter of life and death."