John Kasich: Donald Trump 'Will Not' Become GOP Nominee (VIDEO)

Ohio Gov. John Kasich said in a CNN interview on Sunday that he does not believe that Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination for president. Trump is currently still a front-runner for the nomination, but Kasich doubts the polling numbers are true.

"I believe that Donald Trump will not be the nominee. I think things will settle down, and I believe at the end of the day, and what I've heard in New Hampshire, is that experience is what counts. Somebody who's been a reformer, but somebody who has experience. And I think we look for somebody at the end who knows how to land the plane," he said, reports The Blaze.

Kasich was in conversation with CNN's Jake Tapper during "State of the Union."

"I don't necessarily believe what I see because it's not a poll of likely voters," Kasich said, according to CNN. He was speaking about a CNN/ORC poll that said that Trump has the support of 36 percent of people.

"First of all, it gets to be about who's going to vote, you know, it's not just about what a number is today," he added, according to The Hill.

"When you attack Hispanics, when you characterize all Muslims in a very negative way, when you insult women, we don't think that that's good. And it's no more than that, and any reading into more than that is certainly not what was intended or what was meant," added Kasich, denying that an advertisement he made had compared Trump to Hitler, according to The Hill.

Donald Trump, Jake Tapper, New Hampshire, Muslims
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