Ravenswood ABC Family: How Will the Main Characters Keep From Drowning?; Four Questions from The Series Premiere

There aren’t many shows that end their first episode with the potential to have all their characters die in a car at the bottom of a lake before the second episode even airs. But such is the scary drama of “Ravenswood”. With all of the mysteries the show presented in the pilot, I definitely have a few questions:

No. 1—Why is everyone in Ravenswood a jerk?

While I don’t agree with it, I understand why many people in the town aren’t a fan of Olivia and Luke’s mother. Usually when people think you’ve murdered someone, you don’t attract many fans. But what did Olivia do to deserve a slushy all over her homecoming outfit. I knew the people of Ravenswood were creepy. Now they’re jerks too? There’s nothing worse than a creepy jerk.

No. 2—Who is the creepy girl that enjoys causing people to drive their cars of bridges?

This is an area in which “Pretty Little Liars” vastly differs from “Ravenswood”. The little girl looks like something extremely evil. This adds a horror element that PLL doesn’t have. So is the girl human? Or will we find out later on that she is in fact supernatural?

No. 3—How in the world are they going to get out of that car?

Normally, I’d guess that someone will see them and call the cops which will lead to a rescue team pulling the car out. However, since they’re in Ravenswood—and thing’s are definitely not normal—will they’re escape from the water be extremely strange?

No. 4—Are all the secrets connected?

There were (and still are) a vast number of secrets in “Pretty Little Liars”. However, not all of them were connected to Ali’s disappearance. Are all the secrets in “Ravenswood” connected to Miranda and Caleb’s gravestone/crypt mystery?

“Ravenswood” airs Tuesday at 8/7c on ABC Family.

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