Christmas Lights: Top 5 Tips From Tesco's Expert For Untangling Christmas Lights

Tesco opened a special post in its workforce for the holiday season last month, with the supermarket offering a job for any individual with a unique talent in untangling Christmas lights.

Yes, that's right. Tesco was looking for the company's first-ever professional Christmas lights untangler. In order to be accepted for the post, the person has to be able to untangle three meters of Christmas lights in three minutes or less, as well as have the necessary patience to untangle wires for the whole day.

Tesco eventually found one, Anya, who is now the supermarket's official "Christmas Lights Untangler." Since then, Anya has been offering an adept helping hand to customers who are tangled with their tangled Christmas lights in the store's Wrexham branch, reported The Mirror.

For those who wish to untangle those lights at home though, Anya has some useful tips.

Relax and take it easy

Untangling requires patience. Lots of it. Thus, it is important that you are not stressed at all when untangling Christmas lights. You can even have some tea while doing it.

Go backwards

Always look for the end point. Never start untangling from the middle of the Christmas lights' length. Find the end point, and start untangling from there.

Work on a flat surface

Spreading out the lights across a flat surface prevents you from tangling one part of the Christmas lights while you are untangling another part. Loosen and spread them out as much as possible.

Simple tools help a lot

Using a pen or a pencil helps a lot in teasing out any knots that are extremely tight.

Untangle in a straight line

Once a part has been untangled, make sure you keep them spread in a straight line. This way, you won't undo any of your hard work.

And if you can't still untangle them after that, a trip to Tesco's Wrexham branch might be in order.

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Tesco, Holiday season