PINE A64: First $15 'High Performance' Computer Now Available At Kickstarter

The PINE A64 launched at Kickstarter Wednesday, and it already exceeded its funding goal the very same day. So what exactly is it, and why the immense investor interest? It aims to beat the Raspberry Pi - the super cheap computer that HNGN previously reported on.

PINE64 Inc. means for their device to build on the Raspberry Pi's legacy of bringing cheap computers to hobbyists and those who want to embark on a do-it-yourself computing project. For this purpose, it wants to produce a cheap computer like the latest Pi Zero, but with a higher computing performance.

The Pi Zero costs $5, runs on 1 Ghz processor, 512 MB of RAM and comes installed with Raspbian, a Linux-based operating system optimized for the device. The PINE A64, on the other hand, is outfitted with an ARMv8 quad-core Cortex-A53 chip, MALI400 MP2 graphics, 512MB RAM and is capable of 4K video output, Engadget reported. The device is compatible with both Linux and Android operating system, and it costs a little more than the Pi Zero at $15.

"Whether you are an IT professional, electronics hobbyist, student, teacher, hacker, inventor, or just someone who wants to have more flexibility to increase their productivity at work, the PINE A64 is a computer board made for everyone," the team behind PINE A64 said at their Kickstarter page.

Like the Pi Zero, the PINE A64 also has a small form factor at 3X5 inches. It can also accomodate modules that allow the addition of a 5-megapixel camera, touch panel, Wi-Fi, and video ports. PINE A64 is now available for preorder at Kickstarter and will come in three variants: the PINE A64, PINE A64+ and PINE A64+ 2GB.
