Hart of Dixie Season 2 Spoilers: Wade Sleeps With the Wrong Person; Wilson Bethel Talks His Character's Feelings

As with many shows this week, “Hart of Dixie” will be Halloween-themed. However, as expected with Bluebell, the real story won’t be about the holiday but about who’s hooking up with who.

As of right now there are only two people in Bluebell who don’t really have love interests—Wade and Lemon. They tried that fake relationship for a while but it was discovered and stopped within the first two episodes.

So, during Halloween in Bluebell they will both meet someone that may become a love interest.

According to the preview for this week’s episode, the man Lemon becomes involved with seems like a nice guy. As usual it’s Wade who creates the problem.

Wade’s hook-up partner—Judge Perkins’ wife

Mr. Kinsella seems to be making somequestionable decisions ever since he found out Zoe and Joel were together. These decisions were highlighted by his “relationship" with Lemon.

In a recent interview with EOnline, Wilson Bethel, who plays Wade, shed some light on his characters feelings.

"Wade got his feelings hurt but he's also not the type of guy to hold grudges so I think he's pretty quick to forgive and forget," said Bethel. "But it looks at least in the short term that Zoe has moved on so that is kind of a bummer."

Bethel added that Wade will have his own way of dealing with Joel.

“I think his M.O. is kind of just giving this dude a hard time as one would when one is hanging around their ex-girlfriend's new fella," Bethel said.

“Hart of Dixie” airs Mondays at 8/7c on The CW.

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