Last season Monroe was probably the character everyone loved to hate. However, this season he’s become more loveable.
The former general has saved Charlie from being raped, shown her that her family was wanted by the Patriots and he's been fairly nice to her. So his potential fate in this week’s episode may leave some fans a bit down.
According to the preview for this week, the “United States Government” has put Monroe under arrest. His punishment? Death.
While fans may not be happy that Monroe could die, Rachel’s father Gene won’t be shedding any tears and he lets Monroe know it:
“I’ve been asked to prepare you for execution—and may I say it’s an honor.”
Stephen, Rachel and Charlie are near the top on the “I Hate Monroe” list since he took away Charlie’s father and brother.
Charlie is tolerating Monroe for the time being but Rachel wants nothing to do with him which was pretty evident by her actions in last week’s episode.
Therefore, it’s possible she ratted Monroe out to the Patriots. Hopefully Miles can figure out how to save his former best friend because they’ll need him to take down the Patriots.
As the season progresses, and the Patriots become more of the problem, we’re beginning to see the potential for the main characters to team up as Giancarlo Esposito, who plays Tom Neville, explained in a recent interview with TVLIne.
“When the enemy grows large enough, these groups will come together — and that’s soon,” he told the website. “The realization of what has happened to our world that we once called America is going to be mind-blowing for many people, the notion that it may have all been calculated.
“So I have a feeling we’re all going to have to come together against a common enemy.”
“Revolution” airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on NBC.
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--This story was updated at 1:35 a.m.