Climate Change: Landmark Agreement In Sight As Delegates Embrace Final Draft

After long deliberations, it seems like the representatives of 195 nations who participated in the COP21 climate change talks in Paris are finally on the brink of reaching a landmark climate control accord, which would, for the first time, require nations, both developed and developing, to take an active role in reversing the damage to the environment, according to The Wall Street Journal.

If adopted, the pact, known as the "Paris Agreement," would take effect in 2020 with the goal of limiting global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius. While there were some dissenting voices from big polluters like China, who lobbied for a 2 degree Celsius limit, many are optimistic about the talks' coming conclusion.

"The decisive agreement for the plan is here and now. France calls upon you to adopt the first universal agreement on climate," French President Francois Hollande said, according to Fox News.

Delegates from the participating countries who have been under intense negotiations for the past two weeks were presented a final draft of the climate change plan Saturday afternoon. The draft, which drew praise from most of the delegates, takes a step away from tradition in the way it handled the dynamics of developed and developing nations.

Traditionally, developed nations such as the U.S. were required to take immediate action to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, while developing countries such as China were exempted to make way for the countries' economic growth, according to The New York Times.

The final draft, however, completely changes this convention by stating that action must be taken in some form from every country, rich or poor.

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius of France, who has presided over the assembly, believes that the stars for this year's assembly are properly aligned.

"Our text is the best possible balance, a balance which is powerful yet delicate, which will enable each delegation, each group of countries, with his head held high, having achieved something important," he said.

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Climate, France, Draft, Developing, United States, China