'League of Legends' 2015 All-Stars Event Day 3 (LIVE STREAM)

"League of Legends" professional players and fans continue to enjoy the 2015 All-Stars Event at the NA LCS Studio in Los Angeles, Calif. Saturday, Dec. 12, 8 p.m. EDT.

Now on its third day, the community is closer to determining which team between Team Ice and Team Fire would come out victorious, with scores tied at 350 points from day two's round of 5v5s, 1v1s and fun mode games.

Fun mode games for day one and two were the pick 10 and marksman mode, respectively. For the third day, players will be seeing Team Ice and Team Fire representatives fight the "One for All" mode, wherein all five players for each team will be playing a similar champion of their team's choosing. In a normal battle set-up, players on the same team are not allowed to choose the same champion, but through this special game mode, fans will be seeing a single champion five times.

Day three also means that it's the quarterfinals of the 1v1s. Only eight players remain to battle it out on the Howling Abyss and get closer to the chance of being crowned as this year's best 1v1 player. This title, of course, also means additional points for whichever team the player belongs to, according to LoL eSports.

To join in on the fun, you can watch the action via the live stream below:

Esports, League of legends, Live stream