Drug-Laced Candy Seized From West Chester University Students, Cops Warn of Halloween Treat-Related Dangers

Police have seized 40 pounds of THC-laced candy from West Chester University students at an on-campus apartment.

According to a press release obtained by Philly Confidential, campus police officers smelled marijuana coming from a car packed with students. After pulling the students over and questioning them, officers realized that the group made pounds of candy laced with the active ingredient in marijuana, THC.

"The police then worked backwards from questioning the occupants of the car all the way to the apartment on South New Street, where the police recovered the candy," the release read.

Following lab tests, The Chester County district attorney's office announced that the loot did, indeed, contain THC.

Deputy District Attorney Patrick Carmody told Seattle PI that it appears the students weren't intending on giving the candy to children for Halloween. Officials believe the group had plans to sell the candy to fellow university students.

The candies came in all sorts of colors and sizes, ranging from hard candies to treats the size of a small orange.

"With Halloween just around the corner, the last thing we want to see is drug-laced candy hitting the streets," Carmody wrote in the release. "This appears to be an isolated incident...But it is a good time to remind parents to check the candy collected by their children during Halloween."

The exact dates and times of the police action, along with how many students were arrested, were not included in the press release.