Coat Hanger Abortion Case: Woman Gets First-Degree Murder Charge

A Tennesee woman claimed by authorities to have tried to perform an abortion with a coat hanger has been charged with attempted first-degree murder, according to The Huffington Post. Anna Yocca, of Murfreesboro, reportedly filled a bathtub and tried to use a coat hanger to perform an abortion on herself.

After seeing a significant amount of blood, she became concerned about her safety and was taken to hospital by her boyfriend, according to The Murfreesboro Post. The baby was then delivered at the hospital and will require specialized medical care throughout his life, according to The Washington Post.

Detective Tommy Roberts arrested Yocca this week following the December session of the Rutherford County grand jury issued an indictment on the charge, according to the Murfreesboro Post. Roberts stated to reporters that the child's quality of life "will forever be harmed", according to USA Today.

"The whole time [Yocca] was concerned for her health, her safety, and never gave any attention to the health and safety to the unborn child," Sgt. Kyle Evans, spokesman for the Murfreesboro police department said, according to NewsChannel5.

A bill was signed into law this year by Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam that requires women seeking an abortion in Tennessee to make two trips to an abortion clinic and waiting 48 hours after mandatory in-person counseling before accessing the procedure, according to USA Today.

Yocca, 31, was six months into her pregnancy and consequently past the limit for legal abortions. Doctors and nurses interviewed about the case stated that Yocca had made "disturbing statements" about the pregnancy and indicated a desire to end it at 24 weeks, according to the Murfreesboro Post.

While 24 weeks is the upper legal limit for abortion, there are no clinics in Tennessee that perform abortions after 16 weeks of gestation, according to USA Today.

Yocca's attempted abortion took place in September and she is due in court again on Dec. 21, according to The Washington Post.

Tennessee, Abortion, Women, Women's health