Suzanne Somers Op-Ed: Actress Slammed For Including Misinformation In Anti-Obamacare Piece

Quickly after publishing an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, actress Suzanne Somers was condemned for several errors she included in her article that called the Affordable Care Act a "socialist ponzi scheme," United Press International reported.

The Journal lists some of the corrections at the end of the op-ed.

"An earlier version of this post contained a quotation attributed to Lenin ("Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state") that has been widely disputed. And it included a quotation attributed to Churchill ("Control your citizens' health care and you control your citizens") that the Journal has been unable to confirm.

Also, the cover of a Maclean's magazine issue in 2008 showed a picture of a dog on an examining table with the headline 'Your Dog Can Get Better Health Care Than You.' An earlier version of this post incorrectly said the photo showed and headline referred to a horse," the editors noted.

Her post, which ran in the "experts" section of the newspaper, did not go unnoticed by reporters or readers.

Johnathan Chait of New York Magazine noted that not only was her use of the unverified Churchill quotation weakening her argument, there is evidence to suggest that the former prime minister actually supported a national healthcare system.

While Chait's critique was more thought-out, critics like Alanna Horowitz of The Huffington Post called the article "so unbelievably stupid."

Somers emphasized several points in her piece, specifically that people in Canada are more likely to become veterinarians over doctors because "that's where the money is."

She also warned that the term "affordable" is a "misnomer."

"Medical care will be degraded, the costs will skyrocket, and most frightening of all, your most intimate and personal information is now up for grabs," Somers said.