Ke$ha Banned From Performing Concert In Malaysia WHY?

Pop star Ke$ha had a concert planned in Malaysia as part of her world tour with Pitbull, but according to the Associated Press, the country's Ministry of Communications and Multimedia has decided to reject her application to perform.

Authorities in the country ruled that Ke$ha's concert would itouch "on religious sensitivities and cultural values of Malaysians" in the predominately Muslim country, and did not elaborate further.

The star's most popular songs like include lyrics on drinking, sex and partying, taboo subjects that may be considered offensive to many concert go-ers. Ke$ha, however, reportedly made many changes to her lyrics, wardrobe and set list to adhere to specific guidelines, but to no avail.

"We are distraught to confirm that the show (at Kuala Lumpur stadium) will be cancelled," concert organizer Livescape said in a statement. "We encourage the authorities to engage in a productive dialogue with local promoters to avoid the current situation from repeating."

Of Malaysia's population of 28 million, 60 percent are Muslim, and while the country is known for its "relatively modern version of Islam," as Yahoo! reports, conservatives have argued for other Western artists to be cancelled in the past, including heavy metal group Lamb of God, who were banned from performing in the country last month after authorities deemed their music blasphemous.

Beyonce has cancelled shows in the country twice, and singer Erykah Badu had her concert cancelled last year after a photo of her bearing the Arabic word for "Allah" painted on her body was released.

Due to the ban on Ke$ha, Livescape is losing more than $350,000.
