'Survivor: Second Chance' SPOILERS: What To Expect During The Finale And Why Vytas Baskuskas Isn't Allowed At The Live Reunion

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Tonight's the night! "Survivor: Second Chance" is sadly coming to an end, but there's so many exciting things to look forward to during tonight's three-hour finale, and we can't wait to see who will be crowned the Ultimate Survivor. After 13 epic episodes of what has been by far one of the greatest seasons of "Survivor" yet, there's a whole lot in store, and it'll be interesting to see what these all-star players have up their sleeve after 39 days in the brutal Cambodia heat and to see what they're willing to do for $1 million.

Six castaways remain heading into this unpredictable episode, and in the first two hours, three will be sent home before we even find out who the Final Three headed to the real finale are. With Jeremy, Kimmi, Keith, Kelley, Spencer and Tasha left, it's anybody's game at this point. They all have a pretty equal shot at winning, but it's Jeremy and Kelley who have a better shot at being part of the final three, the rest of the players just don't know it yet.

"Six castaways battle it out for a shot in the final three and a shocking tribal council delivers a 'Survivor' first," the official finale press release reads. "Later, the final three castaways please their cases for the $1 million prize, on the two-hour season finale of 'Survivor' followed by the one-hour live reunion show."

Jeremy and Kelley have been the only two players this season to get their hands on hidden immunity idols, and even though they've both already played them, they were lucky and strategic enough to get a hold of two of them, so they each have one more left, almost guaranteeing them a spot in the Final Three if they play their cards right. While there will be three Tribal Councils leading up to the final Tribal Council at tonight's Live Reunion, hopefully these two will be able to hold the idols out until the last possible minute to guarantee themselves a spot.

"The finale is...phenomenal. Historic. Unpredictable. And ultimately satisfying," host and producer Jeff Probst told Entertainment Weekly. "I think it will cap off, in grand fashion, what most fans will regard as one of - if not THE greatest season of 'Survivor.' I have absolutely loved the way this group played. I am proud and impressed by the level of fierce dedication to playing to win. Everybody went big. I hope future players take note from this season. You want to be a part of something amazing? You want to be remembered? You have to play big."

Once it comes down to the final three, they will have to prove to the members of the jury why they believe they should be the Ultimate Survivor, and from there, everyone from season 31 is reunited at the live reunion special. One person who will not be joining the cast at the reunion, though, is Vytas Baskauskas, who was the first contestant voted off this season.

"Great season through and through," Baskauskas tweeted at Probst on Tuesday. "Bummed I'm not invited to participate in the finale with all my castmates!"

Twitter followers immediately started to wonder why he could possibly not be allowed to participate in the finale, and he shared that he went home early to spend time with his son instead of sticking around for a while before heading home, according to Enstarz. When you're voted off of "Survivor," you're supposed to hang around until they are done filming to avoid being spotted in the U.S. and spoil the show in any possible way, but since Baskauskas made the decision to go home and see his son, which goes against his contract, the producers do not want him to be there for the reuinion. Normally, the contestants would sit on stage with the rest of the season's castaways, but they will not even let him sit in the audience.

Find out who takes home the million dollars and becomes the Ultimate Survivor tonight on CBS at 8/7c!
