Star Wars Episode 7 Cast Rumors: Harrison Ford Returns to Franchise In Order To Revive 'Indiana Jones' Film Series?

Harrison Ford has been probed about his rumored return to the "Star Wars" franchise with J.J. Abrams currently working on "Star Wars Episode 7," but has successfully dodged questions about any sort of involvement until now.

However, Jedi News reports Ford has allegedly signed on for the film, but not because he wants to be a part of the franchise again. Ford's real goal is rumored to be a revival of the "Indiana Jones" series.

Ford's looking to rock the Fedora once more, according to Jedi News:

A verbal agreement with Ford to play Han Solo once more has been in principle place since before the Disney deal. Over the course of this summer financial settlements were reached. The outstanding points that had dragged on but are now resolved are:

Ford wanted to see the synopsis for his character's development over more than just Episode 7. He saw this in August and is happy with the story arc.

Ford wanted a commitment to Indy 5. He did not get this as there is no plot line or script in place. What did happen was an agreement was made wherein an outline would be developed by the end of calendar year 2014, and if all parties can agree to it moving forward, efforts would be made to move on Indy 5 for release before the end of 2016.

Disney wanted a multi film deal with Ford which transcends Episode 7. This has now been agreed.

However, Ford has not confirmed his return to the series and no one from the "Star Wars" camp has either.

Last week, the "Star Wars" pre-production crew let go of their script writer Michael Arndt and replaced him with Lawrence Kasdan. J.J. Abrams will also be co-writing "Star Wars Episode 7" script, but why Arndt was let go is a big mystery.

Many are speculating the writer switch up will lead to the film's production being delayed, which is reportedly supposed to being early 2014.

Do you think the upcoming "Star Wars" movie will be delayed? Leave us a comment below!