Universe Is Dying, But We Won't Be Around To See It

Recent research points to the slow demise of the universe and has some people scared - based on the examination of light coming from more than 200,000 galaxies, scientists concluded that they are releasing half as much as they were two billion years ago, which points to death in the future, according to Universe Today.

Of course, whether you find this information scary or not, scientists believe that our examination of its death will help with our understanding of the universe and the galaxies within it, according to CNBC.

"Of course the universe is dying," said Sean Carroll, an astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology, adding that it's "something we've known since at least the 1920s."

Despite fears regarding the death of the universe, it'll be quite a while before any of us see any signs of death - we still have at least two trillion years until the last sun is born, and even after that the smallest stars will continue to burn for another 100 trillion years, according to Space. On the other hand, our sun only has about 5 billion years of life left, and during this period of time it will release its atmosphere and scald the Earth while the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies collide and make a galactic mess.

Sound scary? It's still a long time off, and afterwards all that will be left are white dwarves, some black dwarves, neutron stars and lots of black holes.

Universe, Dying, Astrophysicist, Astrophysics, California Institute of Technology, Stars, Galaxies, Star, Galaxy, Atmosphere, Earth, Sun, Milky way, Neutron stars, Black holes