Idaho Man Pleads Guilty to Killing Wife by Smashing Her Beneath Family Car While She Changed Oil

An Idaho man on trial for the suspected killing of his wife pleaded guilty to allegations that he crushed her beneath a car while she was changing its oil.

38-year-old Rodney Wayne Bibbey of the state's southwestern Owyhee County initially told police that the event was an accident, and that the jack holding up the couple's Mercury Grand Marquis slipped while his wife was changing the oil below. He told investigators that 35-year-old Trina Bibbey was crushed and killed by the weight of the car, and law enforcement officials confirmed that the April 2012 death appeared to be an accident.

Following a probe into the incident, however, police deemed Trina's death a homicide, according to the Idaho Statesman. Rodney will be charged with murder in the death of his wife. He pleaded guilty to the second-degree murder charge, after striking up a deal with prosecutors last week.

One member of the prosecution, Doug Emery, told the Statesman that Rodney could receive a life sentencing in prison. His trial is scheduled to occur on Dec. 23.

"By statute, he'd have to serve at least 10 years in the state penitentiary," he stated, adding that his team still needed to take another look at information compiled prior to the trial. He said by the time the case reached the courtroom, he'd be able to make a recommendation to Judge Molly Huskey, who has been tasked with the sentencing.

Rodney is on trial for another charge, and has also wrangled a plea deal for that case. He was initially charged with sexual abuse of a child under 16, but his charge was lowered to injury to a child later on.

Police said that Rodney bought a vibrator for a 12-year-old girl, told her he could show her how to use it, and pushed it up against her leg, February of this year. He could receive a 10-year prison sentence for that crime if he's found guilty.