Bionic Eye: New Implant Gives Hope To The Blind

A new bionic eye device has been shown to deliver results in helping blind people see, giving hope to thousands of people afflicted with retinitis pigmentosa, according to the Daily Mail. Retinitis pigmentosa, or RP, is a hereditary illness that causes a degradation of light-detecting cells in the eye. This condition can lead to blindness, a problem that the new device, the Argus Retinal Prosthesis system, aims to correct.

The glasses record the image in front of the user, then send the image to a small computer which translates the images into electrical impulses. There's an implant in the back of the retina, where the long electrical pulses are delivered to the eye.

The Argus was found to sharpen images for those with RP during a three year trial, with "long-term efficacy, safety and reliability," according to a recent press release.

"This study shows that the Argus II system is a viable treatment option for people profoundly blind due to retinitis pigmentosa - one that can make a meaningful difference in their lives and provides a benefit that can last over time," said lead researcher Allen C. Ho. "I look forward to future studies with this technology which may make possible expansion of the intended use of the device, including treatment for other diseases and eye injuries."

Bionic, Eye, Implant, Hope, Blind, Blindness, Tech, Technology