Donald Trump: 'I'd Call Myself A Loser' Without Republican Nomination (VIDEO)

Donald Trump did the unthinkable by saying he would turn his signature insult inward, should he fail to win the Republican party's nomination. On Barbara Walters' annual 10 Most Fascinating People special, Trump admitted he would be "a loser," if he fails to take the GOP nomination.

When Walters asked Trump, "If you lose the Republican nomination, are you a loser?" Trump responded, "In a certain way, yeah. I hate to say it. I guess I'd call myself a loser. I've never said that about myself," NBC reported.

However, Trump he was still certain that he would not only win the nomination, but beat Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton, as well. "I think I will beat Hillary very easily," he told Walters, according to Politico. He added that as secretary of state, "The world blew up around her."

Earlier this week, ahead of Tuesday night's Republican debate, Trump took his largest lead in the polls. However, following the debate, he has taken a bit of a dip, but is still well ahead of his competitors, according to Morning Consult. Many in the Republican establishment have been waiting for the real estate magnate to falter since he topped early polling this summer, but that has not yet happened.

Although Trump said he has no plans on dropping from the race, last month he called on others to promptly leave the race because of their low polling, low energy and bad ideas. "There are too many people ... If a person's been campaigning for four or five months and they're at zero or one or two percent, they should get out," Trump said at a news conference in November, CNN reported. "Other people should get out because I would like to personally have more time to talk about the problems of the United States and more importantly how to solve the problems because we can solve the problems," Trump said.

He applauded the self-awareness Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker showed when he left the presidential race following early disappointing results in debates, polls and fundraising.

"I think Walker did a good thing," Trump said. "He saw it wasn't happening, wasn't happening and he just got out quickly."

Donald Trump, Barbara Walters, 2016 presidential election, Republican Party, Hillary Clinton, Scott Walker