Rush Limbaugh On Spending Bill: Disband Republican Party For Lying In Our Face

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh chastised congressional Republicans on Thursday for conceding to Democrats on the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, which Limbaugh called a "stab in the back" that should result in the disbanding of the party, reported Breitbart.

Limbaugh noted how American voters "showed up in record numbers" and defeated Democrats in the midterms so that Republicans could stop excessive spending and President Obama's agenda, but he accused Republicans of subsequently giving up the "power of the purse" because they are "scared to death of being accused of doing something that would shut down the government."

"It is as though Nancy Pelosi's still running the House and Harry Reid is still running the Senate. Betrayed is not even the word here. What has happened here is worse than betrayal, and betrayal's pretty bad, but it's worse than that. This was out and out in our face lying. From the campaigns to individual statements made about the philosophical approach Republicans had to all this spending," Limbaugh said. "There is no Republican Party! You know, we don't even need a Republican Party if they're going to do this. You know just elect Democrats, disband the Republican Party and let the Democrats run it because that's what's happening anyway."

Limbaugh said that he wonders why Republican leadership can't seem to explain the success of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, a self-funded political outsider.

"They really cannot figure this out? Repeated stabs in the back like this, which have been going on for years, combined with Obama's policy destruction of this country is what has given rise to Donald Trump. If Donald Trump didn't exist and if the Republican Party actually does want to win someday, they'd have to invent him," Limbaugh said.

He continued: "Repeated stabs in the back like this -- which have been going on for years -- combined with Obama's policy destruction of this country, is what has given rise to Donald Trump. If Donald Trump didn't exist and if the Republican Party actually does want to win someday, they'd have to invent him. It's just mind-boggling when you figure out everything that has been granted Obama. All the money, the tax increases, the Cadillac plans in Obamacare. All kinds of punitive things in Obamacare, delayed yet again so that people will not be made aware of the pain and suffering Obamacare's gonna cause."

The House on Friday voted 316-113 to pass the 2,000-page spending bill, which would increase spending by $50 billion above the sequester limits established in 2011 and in effect since 2013, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Conservatives were unhappy that it includes language to fund Obama's 2012 executive amnesty program, sanctuary cities, the refugee resettlement program, Planned Parenthood and provides tax credits to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

The Senate is expected to pass the legislation later on Friday, and the White House promised that President Obama will sign it into law.

Rush Limbaugh, Republican Party, Spending bill, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid