SaberMach: Lightsabers Designed For Dueling Made By Singaporean Company

A company in Singapore has been developing lightsabers they claim can be used for dueling. The sabers, which were built for fencing, according to CNET, even light up and hum during combat. Founder of the SaberMach company is 31-year-old Jay Chen, who said the designs were original.

"If Disney really wants to come after us, they'd have gone for the lightsaber makers in the U.S. by now," said Chen. "I think at the end of the day, it's really how we market it. I don't think whatever Disney is offering right now is usable for fencing, while ours are."

The six lightsabers have been made with a special thread design, about one inch wide, which keeps the 29-inch plastic blade in place, according to CNET.

There have been several designs developed, including the Adept Series Combat Lightsabers, which are the entry-level weapon, according to one international lightsaber fan group. They cost $211 USD ($299 SGD). All lightsabers in this series offer the choice of blue, red, green, amber, or orange-red as the blade color. A step up from Adept would be the Expert Series, for those more serious about their sabers. The blade of this weapon can be blue, red, green, amber, or orange-red, and costs around $350 USD ($499 SGD).

The ultimate lightsaber design has been the Master Series, which features "flash on clash" effect and costs around $500 USD ($699 SGD).

The company has only manufactured 230 lightsabers so far, but hopes for international distribution by next year, according to CNET. Chen has been working on getting his product out and even appeared at the Singapore Toy, Game and Comic Convention in September to promote his lightsabers, according to The New Paper.

For more on the company, visit its Facebook page.

Technology, Star wars, Toys, Singapore