Nation's Oldest Polar Bear Coldilocks Celebrates 35th Birthday (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

It was party time Wednesday at the Philadelphia Zoo when zoo officials busted out a three-tier peanut butter and granola cake for a special resident, Coldilocks, who turned 35, according to Florida Times-Union. Coldilocks is the nation's oldest polar bear and a zoo favorite, evident by the large crowd that came out to wish the birthday girl all the best as she enjoyed trail mix filled pumpkins, along with her ice cake.

Coldilocks came to the Philadelphia Zoo when she was just a year old and has spent the last 34 years at the zoo as an ambassador along with her roommate Klondike, who passed away in October at 34 years old according to CBS Philly.

Birthdays are special, but this one marks a milestone for Philadelphia's beloved Coldilocks, who has weathered three decades and the loss of her friend Klondlike, but she still has time to enjoy the crowd that came to see her, as you can see from the video of her birthday bash on Wednesday.

A few lucky long-lived polar bears in captivity have made it to the mid-30s, according to Polar Bears International, with wild polar bears living an average of 15 to 18 years.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Polar Bear, Zoo